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Effects of Different Simple Cultivation Facilitieson Yield and Quality of Over-summer Brassicacampestris L. in South ChinaPuxing LIANG, Ruiyi YANG, Qiang LI*, Zujiang GAO, Jing ZHANG, Biao LIANGFoshan Institute of Agricultural Sciences/Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Foshan City, Foshan 528145, ChinaSupported by Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest201503106; 2016 Agricultural Technology Extension Project of Foshan City; Project ofFeatured Vegetable Industry Innovation Team of Guangdong Province 2016LM1015.*Corresponding author. E-mail Received October 20, 2017 Accepted December 5, 2017AAgricultural Science Brassica campestris L.; Over-summer cultivation; Simplefacility不 同 简易栽培设施对华南地区越夏菜心产量及品质的影响梁普 兴 ,杨瑞怡 ,李强*,高祖 江 ,张晶 ,梁彪(佛 山 市农业科学研究所 /佛 山 市农业技术推广中心 ,广东佛山 528145)摘 要 该 研究通过比较不同简易栽培设施对菜心产量及品质的影响 ,初步探究适合于高温季节菜心生产的设施类型 ,为高温季节菜心高效栽培提供技术参考 。 试验共设置 ①对 照CK(露 地 栽培 );②普 通 防虫网棚栽培 ;③普 通塑 料薄膜大棚栽培 ;④日 本 透光防虫网棚栽培4 个 处 理 。 研究表明 ,日本透光防虫网处理相对最优 ,与露地栽培相比 ,日本透光防虫网处理下菜心株高 、 叶面积 、 产量分别提升了 22、63、49;Vc 含 量 、可 溶性糖含量 、可溶性蛋白分别提升了 14、13、10。关 键 词 华南地区 ;菜心 ;越夏栽培 ;简易设施基 金 项目 农 业 部 公 益 性 行 业 科 研 专 项(201503106);2016 年 佛 山 市 农 业 科 技 推 广项目 “耐热菜心高效设施栽培技术研究与推广 ”; 广 东 省 特 色 蔬 菜 产 业 创 新 团 队 项 目(2016LM1015)。作者简 介 梁普 兴 (1963-),男 ,广 东罗定人 ,高级农艺师 ,研究方向 蔬菜栽培 。 * 通 讯 作者 , 高 级 农 艺 师 , 从 事 蔬 菜 栽 培 及 育 种 ,E-mail 。收稿日 期 2017-10-20修回日期 2017-12-05DOI10.16175/ki.1009-4229.2017.12.036AgriculturalScienceP≤0.05,n3.Fig.3 Effects of different treatments on aboveground weight, underground weight and yield of B. campestrisDifferent lowercase letters on the top of thebars indicate significant differences at the0.05 level Duncan’s multiple range test;P≤0.05, n3.Fig.1 Effects of different treatments onplant height of B. campestrisDifferent lowercase letters on the top ofthe bars indicate significant differences atthe 0.05 level Duncan’s multiple rangetest; P≤0.05, n3.Fig.2 Effects of different treatments on leafarea of B. campestris23552017AgriculturalScienceP≤0.05, n3.Fig.5 Effects of different treatments on sol-uble sugar content in B. campestrisDifferent lowercase letters on the top of thebars indicate significant differences at the0.05 level Duncan’s multiple range test;P≤0.05, n3.Fig.6 Effects of different treatments onsoluble protein content in B. campestrisDifferent lowercase letters on the top of thebars indicate significant differences at the0.05 level Duncan’s multiple range test;P≤0.05, n3.Fig.4 Effects of different treatments on vi-tamin C content in B. campestriswere increased by 10, 7 and 6,respectively.Conclusions and Discus-sionThe results showed that com-pared with the control, the other threetreatments could effectively improvethe agronomic traits of B. campestris.Chen et al.[3]found that rain shed andanti-insect shed could improve yield,reduce pests and improve quality,which were consistent with the resultsof this study. The treatment effect ofJapanese translucent anti-insect netshed was the best, the treatment effectof ordinary anti-insect net shed rankedsecond, and the treatment effect of or-dinary plastic film greenhouse was thepoorest. Compared with open fieldcultivation, the Japanese translucentanti-insect net shed increased theplant height, leaf area and yield ofB. campestris by 22, 63 and 49,respectively.This study found that comparedwith the control, the other three treat-ments increased the Vc, soluble sugarand soluble protein contents of B.campestris. Miao et al.[4]found thatanti-insect net shed also increased thesoluble sugar content in B. campestris,in addition to reducing the applicationamount of pesticides and improvingthe yield of B. campestris, which wasconsistent with the results of thisstudy. In this study, the treatment ef-fect of Japanese translucent anti-insect net shed was the best, signifi-cantly better than those of ordinaryanti-insect net shed and ordinary plas-tic film greenhouse; no significant dif-ference was found in treatment effectbetween ordinary anti-insect net shedand ordinary plastic film greenhouse;and compared with those in open fieldcultivation, the Vc, soluble sugar andsoluble protein contents of B. campes-tris in Japanese translucent anti-insectnet shed were increased by 14, 13and 10, respectively.In summary, Japanese translu-cent anti-insect net shed has obviouscomparative advantages in improvingthe yield and quality of B. campestrisin South China. In actual production, inaddition to research, development andpromotion of affordable and simple fa-cilities, the breeding of heat-resistantvarieties should also be strengthened.Screening heat-resistant B. campestrisvarieties through studying the effectsof high temperature on the growth anddevelopment, agronomic traits andphysiological inds has a very im-portant significance on the productionof B. campestris. Studies have shownthat under high temperature stress, theyield, biomass, stalk quality and stalkleaf number of heat-tolerant B. cam-pestris varieties are higher than thoseof heat-sensitive varieties[5-9].References[1] ZHAI ZH 翟 志 宏 , LIN ZG 林 镇 国 ,CHEN HH 陈 慧 华 , et al. Temporal andspatial variation of temperature suitabili-ty index for Brassica parachinensis inGuangdong 广 东菜心周年种植温度适宜性及其变化趋 势 [J]. GuangdongAgricultural Sciences 广 东 农业科学 ,2016, 433 66-71.[2] LI HS 李 合 生 . Principle and technologyof plant physiology and biochemistry ex-periment 植 物 生理生化实验原理和技术 [M]. 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The potential risk of phosphorusloss from surface soil 0-30 cm wasexplored, so the study had limitations.In future research, field trials should becontinued to confirm the relationshipbetween phosphorus fertilizer, sugar-cane and phosphorus loss accordingto actual surface runoff and leakage ofphosphorus.The reasonable application rate ofphosphorus fertilizer for sugarcane is150 kg P2O5/hm2. However, long-termcontinuous application of phosphorusfertilizer can promote the enhance-ment of available phosphorus contentin soil and increase the risk of phos-phorus loss from sugarcane fields. 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