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HeilongjiangAgriculturalSciences http hljnykx haasep cn DOI 邋 j issn J C C BS E mail agan com E mail com L C cm cm g Khatri C C C m N E mm h d N K O P O CK N P O K O kg g N P O K O N P O K O P O N P O K O P O N K O d cm cm mm kg mm d d C N g kg P O g kg K O g kg g kg g g g g CK 珑 佑 靠 棗 X 珑 佑 靠 棗 X 珑 佑 靠 棗 X 珑 佑 靠 棗 X C MDA Excel SAS LSD Origin A g B C D A cm B C A mg g B C C C mg g A B A B Wang Umar Wang C C C Liao J J J ZHANGHJ HEP DING W etal Identifying thecritical nitrogenfertilizerrateforoptimumyieldandminimum ni trateleaching in a typical field radish cropping system in China J EnvironmentalPollution HUANGJ XU C RIDOUTT B G et al Nitrogen and phosphorus losses and eutrophication potential associated withfertilizerapplication to croplandinChina J Journal ofCleanerProduction MINAKOVAEA SHLICHKOV A P ARININA A V Approachestomanagementofanthropogeniceutrophication causedbyloadingfrom mineralfertilizers J IOPConfer ence Series Earth and Environmental Science J SUBEDIS SRIVASTAVAA SHARMAMD etal Effect oforganicandinorganicnutrient sources on growth yield andqualityofradish L varietiesinChi twan Nepal J SAARC Journal of Agriculture J J KHATRIKB OJHARB PANDEKR etal Theeffects ofdifferentsourcesoforganicmanuresingrowthandyield ofradish L J InternationalJournal ofAppliedSciencesandBiotechnology J J J J J WANG HP ZHANGQ WENGBQ etal Effectofdif ferentfertilizeronaccumulation distributionandassimila tionofnitrateinradish J TransactionsoftheChineseSocie tyofAgriculturalEngineering UMARUM IBRAHIMI IRO etal Growthandyieldof radish L as influenced by different levelsofKalliorganicfertilizerontheJosPlateau J Asi anJournalofResearchinCropScience J S LIAOY RONGX ZHENGS etal Influencesofnitrogen fertilizerapplication rateson radishyield nutritionquali ty andnitrogenrecoveryefficiency J Frontiersof Agri cultureinChina J J J D J D J J J ROBERT KK HEIKKIK MICHAELLM etal Recon cilinganthropogenicclimatechangewithobservedtemper ature J PNAS KeyLaboratoryforMeteorologicalDisasterPreventionandMitigationofShandong Jinan China Linqing Meteoroiogical Bureau Linqing China Liaocheng Meteoroiogical Bureau Liaocheng China Inordertofullyunderstandthelocalthermalresources toimprovethelevelofmeteorologicalservice forgrassrootsagriculturalproduction thestudyusedthedailyaveragetemperaturedataofLinqingmeteoro logicalstationfor yearsfrom to andappliedstatisticalanalysismethodstoanalyzethecharacter isticsofthefirstdiurnalsequenceoftemperatures and inLinqingCity Theresults showedthatinthepast years althoughthelineartrendoftemperature and in LinqingCityisrelativelyflat theyallshowanearliertrend ItindicatesthatthetemperatureinLinqingCityis graduallyrising whichisinlinewiththeglobalwarmingenvironment Witha yearcycle thefirstdayof temperaturechangefrom to hasamoreobvioustrendinadvance Amongthechangesofthe year cycle thefirstdayoftemperaturefrom to hasamoreobvioustrendinadvance Therefore theover alltemperaturechangeinLinqingCityinthepast yearshasshownanincreasingtrend butthechangeisrel ativelygentle LinqingCity firstdaysequence temperaturerising KailiUniversity Kaili China GuizhouYifeng HuiminTechnologyLemitedCompany Tianzhu China InordertopromotehighqualityandhighyieldofWeixiangreenradish apotexperimentwasconduc tedtoexploretheeffectsoffourtreatments nofertilizer chemicalfertilizer chemicalfertilizer organicfertil izer andorganicfertilizerontheyield qualityandstressresistanceofWeixiangreenradish Theresultsshowed thatfertilizationsignificantlyincreasedtheleafweight rootweight totalbiomass radishlength diameter pro teincontentandsolublesugarcontent anddecreasedtheeconomiccoefficient crudefibercontent vitaminC content sucrosecontentandmalondialdehydecontentofradish Therootweight totalbiomass radishlength diameter proteincontentandsolublesugarcontentincreasedthemostbyorganicfertilizerapplication while thecrudefibercontent vitaminCcontent sucrosecontent organicacidcontentandmalondialdehydecontent decreasedthemostbyorganicfertilizerapplication Theapplicationofchemicalfertilizerororganicfertilizerin creasedthelengthdiameterratioofradishcomparedwiththecontrol andthecombinedapplicationofchemical fertilizerandorganicfertilizerdecreasedthelengthdiameterratioofradish Rationalfertilizationcanimprove theyieldandqualityofradish andorganicfertilizerapplicationperformbest Organicfertilizercanbeapplied insteadofchemicalfertilizerinproduction whichcannotonlyimprovetheyieldofradish improvethenutrition andflavorqualityofradish butalsoimprovethestressresistanceofradish organicfertilizer Weixiangreenradish flavor stressresistance nutritionalquality

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