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S CI-TECHINNOVATION cluster; excessive competition; management model TheSchemeOptimizationoftheEquipmentforCoolandHeatSource inJianliPublicServiceCenter ZHANG Hao ( Hubei Industrial Construction Group Co., Ltd Design Consulting Branch, Hubei Wuhan 430064 China ) Abstract The equipment for cool and heat source of central air conditioning system has high energy consumption and large investment. Selecting reasonable scheme plays a vital role in reducing energy consumption and project cost.In this paper, tak- ing the project of Jianli public service center as an example, at first, the scheme of the equipment for cool and heat source is compared, the scheme of electric refrigeration and gas boiler is confirmed. And then the scheme is optimized on this ba- sis, through technical and economic analysis, the scheme of magnetic levitation frequency conversion centrifugal chiller and condensed vacuum hot water boiler is accepted finally to achieve economic running state and save energy. Key words magnetic levitation frequency conversion centrifugal chiller; condensed vacuum hot water boiler; energy conserva- tion and environment protection 参考文献 [1] 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会国家信息中心 市场信息处 .2013年中国传统中央空调升级改造分析报 告 [EB/OL].[2013-05-15].http// t20130515_24386281.shtml. [2] 李春芳 .分布式能源整合优化能源结构 访中国能源 网 CIO 韩晓平 [J].中国建设信息 .供热制冷专刊 ,2004326-29. [3] 盛良薇 , 杨宝金 , 毕建强 , 等 .各类空调系统冷热源初投资 及运行费用调研研究 [J].中国设备工程 ,2018539-40. [4] 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会 .国家重点节能 技术推广目录 第五批 [J].造纸信息 ,201336. [5] 殷平 .磁悬浮离心式冷水机组和国家标准 [J]. 暖通空调 ,2013,43953-61. (责任编辑 尚晓春 ) ANewPlantAerosolCultivationDevicebyUsingUltrasonicAtomization JIANG Zong-xiang , LIN Le-bin, LI Jin-duo , PENG Xiao-xu ( College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northeast Forestry University, Heilongjiang Harbin 150040 China ) Abstract In view of the problems of waste of nutrient solution and manpower in traditional soilless cultivation, the new type of aerosol cultivation device uses ultrasonic wave to atomize the culture medium, cooperates with temperature and humidity regulation to control plant growth, and innovatively solves the above problems. The device consists of an aerosol cultivation device and a temperature and humidity regulating system. The aerosol cultivation device is composed of a cultivation box, an atomizing device and a heating and ventilating device. The temperature and humidity regulating system is composed of a K60 microcontroller, a DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor and a LCD screen human-computer interaction interface, which can set the environmental threshold artificially. Key words aerosol cultivation device; ultrasonic atomization; closed loop automatic control; plant (上接第 34 页) (上接第 31 页) 可 持续发展 Sustainable Development 038

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