Mixed Substrate Soilless Cultivation Techniquesfor Mini Watermelon in Spring Greenhouse ofBeijing AreaChao MA*, Jianbo ZENG, Li ZHU, Yanli CHEN, Yunfei LI, Ting LI, Xuesong YOUBeijing Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Beijing 100029, ChinaSupported by Project for Variety Screening and Key Technology Research andDemonstration of Facility Watermelon based on Soilless Cultivation 2017.*Corresponding author. E-mail: mamamachao3163.comReceived: October 16, 2017 Accepted: December 10, 2017AAgricultural Science Mixed matrix; Soilless cultivation; Green and safe北 京 地区春大棚小型西瓜混合基质无土栽培技术马超*,曾剑 波 ,朱莉 ,陈艳利 ,李云飞 ,李婷 ,攸学松 (北 京 市农业技术推广站 ,北京 100029)摘 要 西 瓜作为北京市传统的优势农作物 ,产业优势明显 。 北京市农业技术推广站示范推广的春大棚小型西瓜混合基质无土栽培技术能有效解决设施西瓜连坐的问题 ,由于营养液配方固定 ,水肥灌溉自动化 ,可实现规模化 、标准化的生产 ,且产品质量稳定 ,利于西瓜产业绿色安全高效化的发展 。关键词 设施西瓜 ;混合基质 ;无土栽培 ;绿色安全基金项 目 2017 年 基 于无土栽培的设施西瓜品种筛选及关键技术试验示范 。作 者 简介 马 超 (1986-),男 ,河 北安国人 ,农艺师 ,主要从事西瓜 、甜瓜栽培技术推广工作 。* 通 讯 作者 ,E-mail: mamamachao3163.com。收稿日期 2017-10-16修回日期 2017-12-10DOI:10.16175/j.cnki.1009-4229.2017.12.020AgriculturalScience pH 5.5-6.5; total nitrogen (cal-culated as N) 0.8%; total phospho-rus (calculated as P2O5) 0.3%; totalpotassium(calculated as K2O)0.4%)is added according to the amount of33 kg/m2. The prepared substrate isfirst disinfected with 50% carbendazimWP (800 ) and then spread evenly inthe trough.Water and fertilizer systemIn each trough, two drip irrigationtapes, with diameter of 15 mm, are laidin parallel. The spacing between everytwo outlets is 30 cm. The front part ofthe tapes is installed with precise fertil-ization system. The water flower outfrom each of the outlets was uniform,and the outlets were all installed withfiltration device to prevent the outletsblocked.Selection of fertilizerWatermelon-specific formula fer-tilizers A (potassium nitrate: calciumnitrate tetrahydrate = 7: 4(w/w) and B(ammonium dihydrogen phosphate:magnesium sulfate heptahydrate =1:1 (w/w) were selected. In the fertiliz-ers (pH 5.5 -5.8), trace elements areadded.Cultivation managementSelection of varietyAs cultivated in spring green-house, the mini watermelon varieties,characterized with vigorous growth,premature aging resistance, goodcommodity, low temperature and weaklight tolerance and strong comprehen-sive stress resistance are more appro-priate, such as Chaoyue Mengxiang,Beinong Chuanqi, L600 and Jingying.The selected rootstock variety isJingxinzhen No.4.Arrangement of cropsThe scion and rootstock are sownin early February, transplanted in mid-dle March, pollinated in mi-late Apriland harvested in late May.Seedling nurseryThe rootstock and scion are sownin early February. The rootstock issown in 32-well tray, while the scion issown in nursery tray. After the emer-gence of seedlings, the temperature atday is controlled within 26-28 , andthat at night is controlled within 15-18. At the one-leaf stage of the root-stock and when two cotyledons of thescion are flattened, grafting is carriedout using the cut-pasted graftingmethod. During the grafting process,the temperature at day is controlledwithin 25-30 , and that at night iscontrolled within 18-20 . After thesurvival, the temperature at day iscontrolled within 20-28 , and that atnight is maintained above 15 . Theseedlings are tumbled respectively 7and 15 days before the transplantingto ensure the uniformity of theseedlings. The seedlings are hardenedone week before the transplanting,and the temperature at day is con-trolled around 20 and that at night iscontrolled within 10-12 .Pre-transplanting preparationThe greenhouse is sealed onemonth before the transplanting, andthe air vents in the east and west ofthe greenhouse are covered withdouble-layer film to facilitate insulation.In late February, the substrate is filledinto the cultivation troughs. And ineach of the troughs, two drip irrigationtapes are laid in parallel. The substrateis drenched 10 days before the trans-planting.Reasonable planting densityIn early-mid March and when thetemperature inside the greenhousereaches 15 , the watermelon seed-lings are transplanted at the three-leafstage. For the first crop of watermelon,fruiting only occurs in the main vine,and the secondary vines are used forprovide nutrients; and one fruit is re-tained for one watermelon plant. Thewatermelon seedlings are transplantedin double rows with plant spacing of30 cm. The planting density is 30 000plants/hm2. In the morning of a sunnyday, the seedlings of watermelon aretaken out from nutrition bowls andtransplanted in pre-punched holes,which are placed with watermelon-specific slow-release pesticide in ad-vance. After the transplanting, drip irri-gation is conducted for 10 min, and asmall shed is built for insulation, thusimproving the survival rate of theseedlings.Field managementCO2applicationFor CO2application, particulateCO2gas fertilizer, such as hanging-bag CO2gas fertilizer with brand ofJinlingshuang is better. This method issimple, non-toxic and pollution-free.The application rate of JinlingshuangCO2gas fertilizer is 300 bags/hm2(30 kg/hm2), and its validity period isabout 30 days. During the growth peri-od, CO2gas fertilizer is applied twotimes (60 kg/hm2).Temperature and humidity man-agementTemperature In the adaptability peri-od, insulation is the main task, that is,the temperature at day is maintainedwithin 25-30 , and that at night ismaintained above 10 . If the temper-ature inside the greenhouse is higherthan 30 at noon, the greenhousecan be ventilated appropriately by re-moving the film; and if the temperatureinside the greenhouse is above 10 at night, the small arch shed can beremoved. The air vents are sealed withdouble-layer film till the seedlings areadapted to the environment. In thestretching period, the temperature atday is maintained within 28-30 , andthat at night is maintained above 12 ;and air vents are mainly used for ad-just the temperature. When the nighttemperature is stable above 15 , thedouble -layer film is removed. In thefruit bearing period, the temperature atday is controlled within 28-35 , andthat at night is controlled within 15-20 to ensure the normal flowering andfruiting. If the temperature inside thegreenhouse is above 20 at night,the air vents need not to be closed.Humidity The optimal field water ca-pacity for watermelon cultivation is60% -80% , and it differs in differentgrowth period, 65% for seedling stage,70% for stretching stage, and 75% forfruit enlargement period. Watermelonprefers dry air, and the appropriate airrelative humidity is 50%-60%. If the airis humid, the growth of watermelon isweak, the fruit-setting rate is low andthe quality is poor. Even worse, dis-eases are more prone to occurrence.Water and fertilizer managementpH and EC During the whole growthperiod, the EC value is all controlled22832017AgriculturalScience in the stretching pe-riod, the EC value is controlled within1.8-2.0 ms/cm; and in the fruit bearingperiod, the EC value is controlled with-in 2.0-2.5 ms/cm.Throughout the growth period ofwatermelon, the pH value is controlledwithin 5.5-6.0, 5.5-5.8 at the seedlingstage, 5.8-6.0 at the stretching stageand 5.8-6.0 at the fruit bearing stage.Irrigation strategy of nutrient solu-tion in different growth period Thenutrient solution is commonly preparedaccording to the Japanese formula orStapler formula. According to the for-mula of nutrient solution, watermelon-specific formula fertilizers A (potassi-um nitrate: calcium nitrate tetrahyd-rate = 74 (w/w) and B (ammonium di-hydrogen phosphate: magnesium sul-fate heptahydrate = 11 (w/w) are de-veloped. Trace elements are added toboth of the fertilizers, of which the pHvalue is controlled within 5.5-5.8. Theirrigation amount is reduced one weekbefore harvest to improve fruit quality.The specific irrigation strategy isshown in Table 1.Plant adjustmentFor the first crop of watermelon,only one main vine, one secondaryvine and one fruit are retained in eachplant. When the main vine grows to80 cm, the vines begin to be hung up.In addition to the main vine, one sontendril at the base is chosen as sec-ondary vine; and the other son tendrilsand sun tendrils are abandoned. Whenthe secondary vine grows to 50 cm, itwinds around the lower part of themain vine to increase the plantingdensity. The secondary vine is usedfor providing nutrients instead of fruit-ing for the first crop. Topping is carriedout when there are about 20 leaves toreduce the nutrition consumption ofthe main vine in the fruit bearing peri-od. Thus, the first-crop watermelon willbe put into market in advance, and theplanting efficiency will be improved.Promoting flower and fruit develop-mentFor the first crop of watermelon,the second and third female flowers inthe main vine are generally chosen forpollination. As the temperature is lowin early spring that makes fruit bearingdifficult, Zuoguoling (Dinghao) can besprayed to improve the fruit-settingrate at the same time of artificial polli-nation. Artificial pollination should bebetter carried out during 9:00 -11:00am of a sunny day. After pollination,the watermelon plants are wellmarked, indicating the date of pollina-tion. When the watermelon begins tobear fruit, the fruit with normal shapeand evenly-distributed bristles is re-tained in the main vine, while the de-formed fruits are removed timely in or-der to reduce nutrient consumption.Only one fruit is retained in the mainstem of the first-crop watermelon.Fruit bearing of second-crop water-melonWhen the fruit of the first-crop wa-termelon approximately ripen, the topof the secondary vine begins to thick-en, and a large number of female flow-ers with bigger embryos appeared inthe main and secondary vines. Artifi-cial pollination or bee pollination is em-ployed, and the irrigation strategy isconsistent with that for the first-cropwatermelon. Both ends of the green-house, as well as the vents in the topand at the waist height are opened toavoid high temperature and humidityand reduce the occurrence of pestsand diseases. At the same time, thevents at the base can be opened to in-crease ventilation. In case of rainy day,the vents should be closed in time toavoid rain pouring watermelonseedlings.Disease and pest controlIn accordance with the principle ofprevention first and comprehensiveprevention and treatment, pests anddiseases in mini watermelon are con-trolled. More attention is paid toseedling blight, damping-off diseaseand wilt in the seedling period and togummy blight, wilt, powdery mildew,spider mites, aphids and thrips in thelate period. Hymexazol and fludioxonilcan be used to control seedling blight;propamocarb and Trichodermaharzianum can be used to controldamping-off disease; prochloraz andhymexazol can be used to control wilt;fluopyram and difenoconazole can beselected to control gummy blight; flusi-lazole, kresoxim-methyl and triflumi-zole can be used to control powderymildew; bifenazate can be used forcontrolling spider mites; and imidaclo-prid and thiamethoxam can be used tocontrol aphids and thrips.Timely harvestThe first crop of watermelonripens approximately 35-40 days afterpollination and is put into market con-centratedly in mid-late May. The sec-ond crop of watermelon ripens ap-proximately 30 days after pollinationand is generally put into market in mid-late June. The second crop of water-melon is thin in peel and easy to crack,so it is generally harvested during themature degree of 80%-90%. The wa-termelon fruit is harvested in batchesbased on pollination marks. 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