2003 M 3 2 jvMar. 200337 1 Journal of Henan Agricultural University Vol.37 No.1l :2002-11-10 “: 2 8 S/1 “(012201220)Te: (1956-), 3, g , 2 jv q,V Y ! T.cI|:1000-2340(2003)01-0054-03I Nr Z孙治强,赵永英,李胜利,张艳玲(河南农业大学林学园艺学院,河南郑州450002)K1:研究了锯末为主的复配基质对番茄幼苗生长发育的影响.结果表明,以腐熟锯末为主育番茄苗时,不出现幼苗黄化和出苗不齐现象,幼苗前期(28 d以前)生长缓慢,生长速度远低于对照;从28 d开始,锯末复合基质中幼苗生长速度开始加快,以 V(锯末):V(蛭石):V(煤灰)=6:2:2时表现最优,42 d时番茄幼苗与对照已无差异.因此,培育42 d左右的番茄幼苗时,腐熟锯末可替代草炭作为育苗基质.1oM:锯末;无土育苗;基质;番茄ms |:S 641.2 DS M :AStudy on substrate formulation of soilless SeedlingLycopersicum esculentumSUN Zhi-qiang,ZHAO Yong-ying,LISheng-li,ZHANG Yan-ling(College of Forestry and Horticulture ,HenanAgricultural University ,Zhengzhou 450002,China)Abstract:A study was conducted on the effect of the compound substrate with sawdust as the main material on thegrowth and development of Lycopersicum esculentum seedling.The results showed that Lycopersicum esculentum seedlingsowed in coast sawdust germinatedwithout any abnormal phenomenon, but the growth of seedling was slow within 28 dafter sowing and had significant differencewith theCK.While after 28 d, growth of Lycopersicum esculentum seedling insawdust became fast and at 42 d after sowing, therewas no statistically differencebetween seedlings of sawdust and theCK.So sawdust can be the substitute for peat as seedling substrate.Key words:sawdust;soilless seedling;substrates;Lycopersicum esculentum“ - v r ,X 、 “15. v PrT z, s KK 4.yNS =M? 7Z 9. . T v PrT 1 . ?T9I N 2 . 2Z/“ u, R V) B z 4 . KB, PrT 9 4 9. TB !l , W,N ,Bt 9 !SE F 28 d vK,7 Ov、7、 ? v, VCKz) s A. ) W 39 7 SVCs, S (M12VCKz,M5M13Q,VC M6,M9M10 . ,28 d - H, 1 +v 7 SAC, X 7 S ,VC 3 v 7.35 dI N 21 d28 dM1, vsv l, M12 , 7vX s.M12M5I N ? 3 z, O v,VC ) M6M10 , - Ss (A. Vn,l28d, I N 3B1 H , 1 + 7 Sr?,I N v9,v vv l,tS .Vv.56 2 j v 37 V2 H Z H I N 3YTable 2 The effect of different substrates formulation on Lycopersicum esculentum seedling growth at different stage) TR21 d/cmStem heightY/mmStem diameter FW/(g-1)DW/(mg-1)28 d/cmStem heightY/mmStem diameter FW/(g-1)DW/(mg-1)M1 2.37 1.23 0.19 11.17 4.34 1.67 0.54 47.50M2 2.51 1.34 0.20 12.07 4.15 1.68 0.50 44.60M3 2.64 1.27 0.17 11.00 4.51 1.71 0.52 43.73M4 2.45 1.22 0.20 12.13 4.53 1.85 0.52 45.47M5 2.41 1.22 0.24 14.67 4.67 1.89 0.61 49.93M6 2.21 1.23 0.14 9.40 3.67 1.63 0.34 29.80M7 2.65 1.18 0.18 10.80 3.87 1.64 0.43 37.47M8 2.35 1.33 0.19 11.47 4.41 1.82 0.52 46.93M9 2.27 1.11 0.14 9.73 3.92 1.72 0.32 28.00M10 2.40 1.16 0.13 8.53 3.70 1.67 0.33 29.27M11 2.17 1.26 0.18 11.13 4.21 1.75 0.51 43.00M12 2.79 1.27 0.23 14.27 4.91 1.98 0.72 66.07M13 2.40 1.24 0.19 11.93 4.85 1.82 0.60 52.93M14 4.30 1.77 0.41 22.46 7.46 2.53 1.16 95.93) TR35 d/cmStem heightY/mmStem diameter FW/(g-1)DW/(mg-1)42 d/cmStem heightY/mmStem diameter FW/(g-1)DW/(mg-1)M1 7.10 2.54 1.54 132.0 10.90 3.11 3.35 251.0M2 6.39 2.26 1.06 93.8 9.40 2.73 2.79 210.2M3 6.67 2.39 1.31 115.0 12.10 2.97 3.41 252.6M4 7.36 2.59 1.60 138.7 13.63 3.19 4.20 324.0M5 8.26 2.67 1.64 142.5 14.10 3.27 4.55 377.6M6 5.62 1.95 0.81 68.9 9.47 2.93 2.61 200.6M7 7.04 2.16 1.32 116.8 12.19 3.01 3.48 265.6M8 7.73 2.46 1.43 130.1 13.17 3.17 3.51 286.6M9 7.13 2.32 1.37 116.2 13.59 3.15 3.69 294.8M10 6.49 2.38 1.21 107.1 11.53 2.89 3.27 250.8M11 7.09 2.47 1.38 121.3 11.53 3.05 3.94 306.8M12 8.81 2.77 2.09 170.2 15.63 3.59 5.69 430.2M13 7.61 2.49 1.46 128.1 12.69 3.23 4.02 301.2M14 11.31 3.22 2.31 201.9 14.90 3.57 5.42 422.2342 dI N ,v Xvvh . ) , M12VCK, 7sY VCKM6) 2.182.14,7 OV v,v s.z N 3 f ,9 I N ,T M12K,vQ,=s.42 d H, ) s.2.3 ZI N Y ZI N YnV3.V3 ZI N YTable 3 The effect of different substrates formultion on Lycopersicum esculentum seedling qualit) TR M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14GSI 7.13 6.11 6.20 7.58 8.76 6.21 6.56 6.90 6.83 629 8.12 9.88 7.67 10.06: =(Y/).Notes:Good seeding index=(stem diameter/stem height)dryweight.VV3 V A, ) I N GSIlv. 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