j, 2KC16 :00,KC15:00;3Kl (C6 :00。B?,“11:00 -13:00 2、s l(0.05 0 .4 ), HW 2M,0.7 1 ;T u 2,Kv (C16 :00,K (C6:00, 2KvC15:00,KlC5:00 ;11:00 -13:00, 2, HW (l。m2 + ; i5 cm M(720 d)Fig.2 Diurnalchangesof 5 cmdepth soiltemperature(sunny, July20)inLiaoshen solar greenhouseV1 Vn,T u 2K、K ( (T u,T uK、K (5T u。 2KT u4.5 ,T u3.1 ,T u0.1 ; 2KT u2.3 ,T u1 ,T u1.1 ; 2 (T u3.3 ,T u1.8 ,V1 + ; iT uT u 2Z_5 cm M1 ( d?, )Table 1 The comparison of 5cm depth soil temperaturechange between non-crop areasand crop areas inthe north and south direction of Liaoshen solargreenhouse(sunny, ) “ItemT uNon-crop area2SouthMiddleNorthT uCrop area2SouthMiddleNorthKThe highest soil temperature 34.6 33.8 32.9 30.1 30.7 33.0KThe lowest soil temperature 26.6 25.8 25.1 24.3 24.8 26.2 Daily variation amplitude 8.0 8.0 7.8 5.8 5.9 6.8 (Average temperature 30.0 29.2 28.5 26.7 27.4 29.0154 j /0 cm/5 cm /15 cm,K ( 0 cm,Kl9C 2, Q , 2K, Q 。 (KvC 2, Q 。7|?K、K、 ( 2、s(V3)。 MZ /:T11=19.15+5.42sin(72t+3.89)+2.26sin(36t+0.82) (11)T12=14.82+1.13sin(72t+5.92)+0.7sin(36t+1.37)+0.65sin(24t+5.82)+0.46sin(572t+0.24) (12)15710 ? : + ; i M? p# o EV3 ? / + ; iT u5 cmM(2009 M=1, )Table 3 Soil temperature changesat5 cm-depth in non-cropzoneof Liaoshen solargreenhouseindifferent weatherconditions(Springof2009, ) “Itemd?Sunny day2SouthMiddleNorth|?Cloudy day2SouthMiddleNorthKThe highest soil temperature 31.6 30.8 29.2 20.6 20.6 20.5KThe lowest soil temperature 19.2 19.6 19.3 16.5 16.3 16.5 Daily variation amplitude 12.4 11.2 9.9 4.1 4.3 4.0 (Average temperature 24.1 22.1 23.3 18.3 18.1 18.3Z(11)V2009-03-03 dT u/5 cm M,Z(12)V2009-03-05|T u /5 cm M。Z(11) 5 .42, 72?f 2.26, 36?f F, R2 =0.985,P 2, HW5 2;V8:00 7 S 6, 15:00 7 S/;V9:007 S 6,15:00 7 S/; 2V6:00 7S 6,15:00 7 S/。|? 2,B? 2、V0:00 7SC/ t 。B/ t ;0:00 -11 :00B)/ t ,11:00-16:00 6,?/; 20:00-10:00)/ t , 7 S 6, 16:007 S/(m8)。T u d?K,K, ( (v|?,T uKv|?Z_ (4.5 ;K d?|?2 P, d?|?3 P; ( d?v|?3 P。 d?T uK 2;K 2; 2; ( 2。|?KKv 2;KKv 2; 2svi; (sv(V4)。158 j 6 , S.“YI 3#;TY J . 6 , i.“YII-Y J . , g. 3Y# s J . , 2004, 25(1):124-126.7 j, ,. z Hq/ + J . j6 ,f.“I NY(I)I N 3Y J ., 1996, 16 (1):133-139.16 C, 6 ,aV.“I NY()I N;T sY J ., 1996,16(2):214-218. 17 ,f .1 ; i = 1“ J . = j $, 1992, 13(4):74-78.18 k;,3,Z 3. ; i 8( )- ; i E J . j9,! . #1“) J . , 2003, 24(3):4-8.160 j 19