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»2 »3 ù  j  S/vÐÐö SÐñ Vol. 2 No. 32002 M5Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry Social Science May 2002áS v’Á Ö gÆsZ¦李建明,李建斌,刘建辉 j  S/vÐó\Ðý, û, 1 712100K 1目前我国普通蔬菜产品供应相对过剩,反季节、无公害、精细包装蔬菜产品国内外市场需求潜力较大,设施蔬菜产品市场面临产品供应季节性差价日趋缩小、产品污染严重、绿色蔬菜需求量增大及小生产与大流通的矛盾。因此应发展生产优质化产品,加工包装产品,实行品牌化销售,加强市场信息化建设,创建以农民为主体的经营实体。1oM设施农业;设施蔬菜;蔬菜市场Ïms Ë| C936 ÓDS M ’ A ÓcI| 1009- 9107200203- 0079- 04 j ¿,Å¡ . v’í]Ä 3Á/ Œ¦[A ].ZÏ¥ÏSýÌÄ jýÌÄ j VûÃZù ‚Ó“ [C].ØØñ, 2000, 9, 183~ 187.Market Analysis and Developing Countermeasures ofProtected Vegetable Products in ChinaLi Jian-ming, LI Jian-bin, LIU Jian-huiCollege of Horticulture, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100,ChinaAbstract At present, demand for conventional vegetables falls short of supply in China; and there ex-ists a relatively large, potential market, both at home and abroad, demanding anti-seasonal, pollution-freeand fine-packaged vegetable products. China’ s vegetable market is confronted with deduction of seasonalprice differences, and with conflicts between the worsening pollution of products and increasing demandsfor green vegetalbes, as well as between small-scaled production and nation-wide /world-wide circulation.Countermeasures are put forward, namely, producing high-quality products, sales with processing, pack-age and brand, market ination network constraction and economic entity with peasants as the mainbody.Key words protected agriculture; protected vegetable; vegetable market82  j  S/vÐÐö SÐñ »2 

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