2002, 29(1):3034ActaHorticulturaeSinical :2001-05-24; :2001-10-09 “: 8O' “(J99I04)CO2F(= AAY魏 珉 邢禹贤 王秀峰 马 红( j<v, 271018)K 1:( k,CO2F= AAY。TV :CO2F(= E F、V = 9F,E F= 91 6,E %M, F ;= = s8 “vl、x “vl、 # (9F,= s8cx 6,= s8n A 。 iCO2F3hr l, 、/1100100LL-1CO2F3 hrTA。1oM:(;CO2F;= ms |:S 642.2 DS M :A cI|:0513-353X (2002)01-0030-05CO2F4T; q H,= iCO2 3 aM。V,4CO2 i 1、v2,3= 9F, 。Vu?CCO2Fv, = s8x 89F,= s8 AY3。P, CO29Hq/!0,% =x vl、 “ ( A9F,iY= s8 vl、s 4。N Vn,T 、 kHq/= CO2 a。' k( k,CO2F= AAM,= ?(9 $。1 ZEk1999 M10 12 j<v k_n'。107 l,!n( 10cm) ,!rrg31,c1.45%, rN 101.41mgkg-1, rP302.49mgkg-1, rK246.00mgkg-1。0=Z (1016 )sYM 4 (2.0m,z1.6m,1.0m) =) 。) ,F(v);) , F, CO2 i700100 LL-1;) , F, CO2 i1100100 LL-1;) , 、/ (F, CO2 i1100100LL-1。 ) 6080,g A8CO2,GXH-305LCO2sNS iM。CO2F HW 8:00 (8:30)11:00 (11:30),/1:30 (2:00)4:30 (5:00)。1116 | Mj i =?) 。122 ) 43,VU/ 3= M |l vsYFAA= %。 k W4 B5 ;HqM。1016 1116 =K/K 20 35/816,11 H (;v <616.2 molm-2s-1,/2H (;v <465.4 molm-2s-1;1117 122 K/K 24 30/12 17,11 H (;v <306.3molm-2s-1,/2 H (;v <219.2molm-2s-1。1999 M23n'j i! k, !) I III,T''Q k。A4:= M |45mm23mmH,5FAA% i, 3%= A,TGMAM 。 8 :3%= A%612h < b!2Q( Q3h)0 GMA 1A) 2QGMA 30 LX-75 M M 。OlympusAH-IIA( '/)/4vM。 ) 42030 j7,9 (。A4:= M |vl1 2mmnZl v,4%= -%, pH7.2 A !, 1% %,0Y?-d? , Epon-812 , LKB-5M M ,Z - # , JEM-1200EXi 4、 ivM。 ) 420 30 j7, | (。2 Ts2.1 A2.1.1 叶片厚度 CO2F (= 9F(V1)。vM1, CO2700100 LL-1CO21100100LL-1F) (= sY9F0.64%3.46%, ?1100100 LL-1CO2F= 9F12.77%, -=vrAs,As, iCO2F3hM1, ?CO21100100LL-1F6hrT A。= | %= V ,7= F“ E FZ F。V1 A, CO2F(= E FV H9F,E F= 91yCO2F 6。Z FF iWsA。V1 CO2F) (= MTable 1 Changes in leaf thickness of cucumber with CO2 enrichmentCO2 iCO2 concentration(LL-1)HWTime= Leaf thickness(m)V Epidermisthickness (m)E FPalisadetissuethickness (m)Z FSpongy tissuethickness (m)E F/= PT/LTvControl 150.58bB 23.24cB 44.65 cB 83.90bA 0.30700100 AM 151.54bB 25.54bAB 47.31 bB 80.13bA 0.311 100100 AM 155.78bB 25.73bAB 47.36 bB 82.92bA 0.311 100100 +/AM+PM 169.54aA 26.84aA 54.56 aA 88.35aA 0.322.1.2 细胞大小 V2V , CO2F P(= E F%9F, 700100 LL-11100100 LL-1) %sY9F5.5%5.7%,vsA; ?CO2F9F26.6%,sA。E F% z) WAs。E F%/1Z % z9C M+。CO2F P= V % z()9F,F iWV %M A。 ?1100100LL-1CO2F P= = %V % M Z A,%89v。V2 CO2F(= %vlYTable2 Effects of CO2 enrichment on the size of leaf cells in cucumber (m)CO2 iCO2 concentration(LL-1)HWTimeE %Palisade cellLengthzWidthZ %Spongy cellLengthzWidthV %UpperepidermiscellLengthzWidth/V %LowerepidermiscellLengthzWidthvControl 43.76bB 12.61aA 24.44bB 18.54aA 21.61 bB 13.53bB 15.93bAB 9.83bB700100 AM 46.16bB 13.09aA 24.45bB 19.05aA 21.23 bB 14.93 aAB 15.69bA 10.73abAB1 100100 AM 46.26bB 12.86aA 25.97bB 18.85aA 21.72 bB 15.03 aAB 15.82bAB 10.99aAB1 100100 +/AM+PM 55.39 aA 13.09aA 29.92aA 19.14aA 24.30 aA 15.43 aA 17.14aA 11.64aA= M ,V Z_,d9125mS =E %1Z % “,Tnm1。1100100 LL-1CO2F P= % “A9F, CO2F PE % F 、 ,7 OZ % _M(m, AD)。2.2 A2.2.1 叶绿体和淀粉粒 V3 V, CO2FHq/,E % = s8 “9F,89v。311 #:CO2F(= AAY 700100LL-11100100LL-1CO2F) P %c= s8 sY1v9F16.90%27.46%, ?F9F25.64%; iCO2F= s889F l,?F9FA, zsY1v9F8.36%26.49%。 T CO2F(= s8?。CO2F P= E % =x “9,89v(V3,m, EH), i 。v ( =%c9.14x , = s81,O8 l; 700100LL-11100100 LL-1CO2F) P % =x sY9F16.2223.72, ( = s8c1 2; ?CO2F(= % =x “B9F, = s8c2 3, O8A9v。m1 CO2F(= E 、Z % “Y(125m= )Fig.1 Effects of CO2 enrichment on the nubmer of palisadeand spongy cells in125 m length of cucumber leavesV3 CO2F) (= = s8、x “#vlMTable3 Number and size of chloroplast and starch grainin leaves of cucumber with CO2 enrichmentCO2 iCO2 concentration(LL-1)HWTime= s8 /= %Chloroplast number/cell= s8ChloroplastLength (m)zWidth (m)x /= %Starchgrain number/cellx Starch grainLength (m)zWidth (m)vControl 10.92 cB 5.61 bA 1.85bA 9.14dB 0.59 cC 0.23 cC700100 AM 12.77bA 6.17 abA 1.94bA 16.22 cB 1.70 bB 0.88bB1 100100 AM 13.92 aA 5.86 abA 1.90bA 23.72 bA 1.86 bB 0.87bB1 100100 +/AM+PM 13.72 aA 6.64 aA 2.34aA 29.00 aA 2.76 aA 1.54aA2.2.2 基粒和片层 CO2FY= s8vl “,7 OY 。F) = = s8= “9F(rAs ); 9F, AM, 58!,c 9(V4)。 CO2F i9F HW7, 9F W#9v,)。V4 CO2F(= s8 # YTable 4 Effects of CO2enrichment on grana and lamellae of chloroplast incucumberCO2 iCO2 concentration (LL-1)HWTime /= s8Grananumber/chloroplast Granathickness(m) / Lamellanumber/grana Lamellanumber/mvControl 15.55aA 0.135bB 10.39bB 76.96cC700100 AM 15.64aA 0.163aAB 12.06abAB 73.96bB1 100100 AM 16.36aA 0.183aA 13.22aA 72.25aA1 100100 +/AM+PM 17.18aA 0.173aA 12.33aAB 71.29aA3 ) CO2F (= 9F,、vTM,=9Fy。Radoglou kV ,= 9F1= ,­ Z CFM ,E FZ F1iM,= %8Mv,­ M Z A,7E % 、V % 、 d d sY1。v= 9FE % z?% “9F3。CO29 3v,= /V ­v V ,= y9F32 29 BE F7 AM, d /2。' k, CO2F(= 95 = V H9FT,E % M A %,E F= 1 6,% F ,E FMZ F% 9 t。N A,T= 4CO2 i a,%s % f ( V ? My。4CO2 iT= = s8Y9B“。CO2F(= % = s8、x “9F,89v, 9F, = s8 cx V3,Y= s8。CO2FI N= x vl、 “9F, 58M9K % = s85。 , CO29Hq/!0,x vl、 “ (9F, Ox 8 Y= s8 vl、s 4。 'T, CO2F(= = s8?。 - V ,= ; q |%= E F6;v= = s8 ; qM17。 !i“; ? “, HT O, B. ,; ? l.。yN, CO2FHq/(= AAM V ? iCO2 a,4; ?CO2 l ? ; 6BZ ,CO2 i/(= ; q4,/ ,= ? $。NB)。 iCO2F(= 3 BY,sSviAs,7 ?CO2F= M A, CO2F HWTv。 ID:1 RadoglouK M, JarvisPG.Theeffectsof CO2 enrichmentandnutrient supplyongrowthmorphologyandanatomyof Phaseolusvulgaris L.seedlings.Ann.Bot., 1992, 70:245 2562 ,.v= CO2 i 6Q., 1996, 38(1):31 343 VuJCV, AllenLHJr, BowesG.Leafultrastructure, carbohydratesandproteinof soybeansgrownunderCO2enrichment.Environ.Exp.Bot.,1989, 29 (2):141 1474 P,I , X,.CO2 i9!0,= s8r., 1996, 38 (1):72 765 YelleS, BeesonR CJr, TrudelM J, et al.Acclimationof twotomatospeciestohighatmosphericCO2.PlantPhysiol., 1989, 90:1465 14726 Delayney RH.Morphological and anatomicalfeatures of alfalfa leaves relatedtoCO2exchange.CropSci., 1974, 14:4444477 o , j.v 3 3 3;s= 1“).T, 1992, 18 (3):191 195Effects of CO2 Enrichment on the Microstructure and Ultrastructure of Leavesin CucumberWeiMin, Xing Yuxian, WangXiufeng, andMaHong(College of Horticulture, Shandong AgriculturalUniversity, Tai' an 271018)Abstract:ThemicrostructureandultrastructureofleavesincucumberwithCO2enrichmentwereinvestigated.It showedthatthethicknessofpalisadetissue, epidermisandleafincreasedsimultaneouslyinCO2-enrichedleaves,andtheratioofpalisadetissue to leaf thicknesswent upslightly.Longerandmoretightly arrangedpalisade cellswereobservedinleaves withCO2 enrichment.Not only the numberandsizeof chloroplast andstarchgrain, butalsothenumberofgranaandlamellaincreasedasa resultofCO2enrichment.Noobvious chloroplastdeteriorationandthylakoiddeformationwerefoundinCO2-enrichedleaves.Enrichment at differentCO2 concentrationsforthreehoursinmorningwasnotvery effective, but enrichment forsix hours at1100100 LL-1 everyday producedmost significanteffects.Key words:Cucumber;CO2enrichment;Leafstructrue331 #:CO2F(= AAY m AD= A(150);E H= (10000)。A、 E,v;B、 F, CO2 700100LL-1, F;C、 G, CO2 1100100LL-1, F;D、H, CO2 1100100LL-1, +/F。Explanationof plate A-D leaf microstructure (150);E-H leaf ultrastructure (10000).A, E, CK;B, F, CO2 700100LL-1AM;C, G, CO2 1100100LL-1 AM;D, H, CO2 1 100100LL-1 AM+PM.34 29