21 9 G4> G2> G5> G1,7 O V A) G3G41) G2* 1 d,1) G5G1* 2 d。yNr c VV,|Y(H 3 ,7Y ,) G3G4(H 37 1 aR9 KS。2. 7 9 K i(T (H YV5 V, l =, 9 K9F,c 、 V 9c 、 3 Cc # Vc 59Fhl t ,) G3rKv。Zs,) G3c l) (rA ,=) G2G4sA,G1G5A; V 9c l=) (rA ; 3 Cc l) G4A, ) (rA ,7=) (rA ;V c l=) G4A,7 ) (rA 。N V) G3VCKz, c 、 V 9c 、 3 Cc V c lsYr 44. 5 g /kg, 74.2 g /kg,329. 6 mg/kg,1. 31 g /kg,=sYr 31. 6g /kg, 53. 4g /kg,276. 2 mg /kg,1. 41 g /kg。yN l =,r c VV, ;#_(H ,7Y(H 。图 2 不同灌溉上限对温室黄瓜结果期瓜条生长动态的影响Fig. 2 Effect of different irrigation maximum on fruits growth trendof greenhouse cucumber during fruit-bearing stageV5 9 K i(T (H YTable 5 Effect of different irrigation maximum on fruit quality of greenhousecucumber during fruit-bearing stage) c /g kg- 1 V 9c /g kg- 1 Vcc /mg kg- 1 V c /g kg- 1 G1 36. 2Bc 22. 7Cb 57. 9Cd 45. 2Cc 237. 2Cc 236. 4Bc 1. 22Cd 1. 30BdG2 38. 0Bbc 28. 9ABa 61. 0Cc 47. 3BCc 289. 7ABb 248. 1Bbc 1. 27ABCbc 1. 35ABbcG3 44. 5Aa 31. 6Aa 74. 2Aa 53. 4Aa 329. 6Aa 276. 2Aa 1. 31Aa 1. 41AaG4 38. 9Bb 30. 0ABa 67. 2Bb 50. 7ABb 318. 4Aa 252. 6Bb 1. 28ABab 1. 38AabG5 37. 5Bbc 25. 4BCb 59. 2Ccd 46. 2Cc 261. 1BCc 239. 6Bc 1. 24BCcd 1. 32Bcd:V sY2003 M1030 2004 M628 。2. 8 9 K i(T 、9 s r qYV6 V A,) G3l u(H K, l) G2G4WsA,=) G4WA, ) W (rA ;l u ) G3K,“ l) G4A, ) (rA ,Bs,9 K=Q wL1“,BZ# %“ l=sYy =- 1. 5264x2 + 9. 3396x + 29. 142,R2 = 0. 9896y= - 1. 7479x2+ 10. 942x+ 25. 85,R2 = 0. 977;l u9 9 K9F79,M) =9 l, l) G1G2WsA, G4G3、 G2WsA, ) WsrA ,7=) W (rA ,Bs,l u9 9 KAL1“,BZ# %“ l=sYy= 0. 05x+ 1. 242,R2= 0. 9232y = 0. 045x+ 1. 137,R2 = 0. 9792; s r q(WUE = /9 ) G3Kv,“ l)G2sA, ) Ws (rA ,Bs,9 K=Q wL1“,BZ %“ l=sYy = - 0. 06x3 -0. 7179x2 + 5. 4521x + 25. 372,R2 = 0. 9993y =- 1. 0943x2+ 5. 8137x+ 24. 178,R2 = 0. 9991。 id9 v, ,r c rB, 9F /,“h”C,y7 s r q 。 ) G39 80 j<2005 M K V P(9 H4 s r q,r、r、 “。V6 9 K i(T 、9 s r qYTable 6 Effect of different irrigation maximum on yield, irrigation volume and water use efficiencyof greenhouse cucumber during fruit-bearing stage) l u(H / l u /kg l u9 /m3 s r q/kg m- 3 G1 202. 00Bb 205. 41Cb 35. 37Cc 37. 15Cd 1. 18Cc 1. 29De 30. 03Bc 28. 91CdG2 213. 50ABa 209. 47ABCb 40. 09Bb 41. 25Bc 1. 22BCc 1. 32Cd 32. 99Aab 31. 37AbG3 220. 79Aa 216. 36Aa 42. 95Aa 43. 65Aa 1. 28ABb 1. 42Bc 33. 56Aa 31. 87AaG4 218. 48Aa 215. 48ABa 42. 30Aa 42. 24Bb 1. 33Aab 1. 46Ab 31. 93ABb 29. 85BcG5 203. 50Bb 207. 24BCb 36. 54Cc 37. 56Cd 1. 35Aa 1. 47Aa 27. 17Cd 25. 91De:l u(H # sY2003 M1028 2004 M626 d9 。3 l =,) G3'90%BW r 9 KHq/, 3r,“? z, (Y Y,“ <,= aR%A i= , s r q , (H 3?,7 O 3Y 3r 9 K ,( %Y T, ( 3 Y;(H z,c 、 V 9c 、 3 Cc # V c Kv,K, s r qK。yN) G3'90%BW T aR9 KS。 I D1 B, ,I. 921 W 'J.9 ,2001, 20(3): 1- 5.2 ?,. u 9?Z -ZJ. S/Z,2000, 20(5): 1- 9.3 B . j< S/ 21 WS j<?ZJ.l u j<, 1998, 1.4 ,; . i 9SJ. j< S,2002, (3): 8- 10.5 ,; ,l,. i( 9SJ. j S/v(1 S), 2003,31(3): 77- 80.6 A. i=(9SD. 1: j S/v,2004.7 , ,f. iv ( s q kJ.Z , 1998,(2): 12- 14.8 , B.I N9 ; i = ? pJ. 9, 2000, (3): 25- 27.9 Rao N, et al. Real-time adaptive irrigation schedulingunder a limited water supply J . Agricultural WaterManagement, 1992,20( 4).10 Rao N, et al. Irrigation scheduling under a limited waterJ. Agricultural Water Management, 1988, 15( 2) .Effects of different irrigationmaximumsongrowthdynamics, yieldandqualityof cucumberduringfruit-bearingstageingreenhouseZou Zhirong, Li Qingming, He Zhongqun(College of Horticulture, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China)Abstract: Growth dynamics, yield, fruit quality and water use efficiency were studied under the different soilirrigation maximum in different seasons in greenhouse during initial Fruit-bearing stage. The results showed:90% treatment is the more suitable soil irrigation maximum index. Under 90% irrigation maximum treatment,fruit weight and quality were higher, prophase yield werehigher, water use efficiency werehigher in autumn andspring than that under 100% irrigation maximum.Keywords: cucumber; irrigation maximum; growth dynamics; yield; quality81 9 < :9 K i( 3 、 # Y