l :2005-08-16;2006-04-29= “:SE S/19(2004BA521B01); j vL. 3 7b L i “(2005)Te:i (1965-), 3,p V,1V Y v 3/ 。 “:(010)68919540,E-mail:shangqmmail.caas.net.cnZ j 2006,22(2):13-16Acta Agriculturae ShanghaicI|:1000-3924(2006)02-13-04 g F rT尚庆茂1 , 张志刚1 , 朱为民2(1S j S v ,100081;2 Z g j S , Z g ! / L i, Z201106)K 1:| F21(v/v)1 F, F CO(NH2)2KNO3 , 。TV :YVF a g , V A4 q(EC), q = = s c ,A 3?。 , KDg F CO(NH2)20.2 kg/m3KNO3 0.8 kg/m3 。T 9 r 4 S gG 。1oM: ;g ; ; ms |:S641.3 DS M :A v 1B, 1“ v 3? 1 。 8、 8 、r q, L M,“ z、 y,9.d !r ,S1 Z T 2 。 1Fs, z F 11。 “ -,S = v “。 ,s ( V 3,XY 。2004 M “XYV 1 k KD 、 F1,NQ g F 3?Y, 9 r 4 S g 。T。1 ZE1.1 N ,S j S v 5F4。 1 ME 3 j/ u, h 3l 。 j v S_ k_(No.040159)A U: c18%、 r518 mg/kg、r970 mg/kg、 rK524 mg/kg,!s Pc ,7N 、Kc 。1.2 Z Ek2005 M=1S j S v ; i =。39 |0l72d(612 d)ZS ,? #!s 1Tv(CK), F21(v/v),i ZF 5 kg g1 .5 kg(NP2O5K2O =151515)。) 、 1#g F nV1。 ) #vl3 ,9216, 1Q,93Q,W 。 1.5 cm F。427 |10 , ) 930, 3?S。(7):V | , !,sY、=7,7 Q,105 30 min ,80 3 。= s c :vfI 4ZE。 |) 4 =,ud u |0.4 cm= ,8Y?、dA412 h。3Q。UV-1700,/ Vns;94AA663A645 , T9 = s c 。EC: |) 10 g,F 50 mL ,430 min, rV r( b), | rADDSJ-308A qN 5 。2 Ts2.1 g FECYECvlQ A V *。ECVV ( v 3?。 ,)EC(m1),?C FEC Av(CK), PF g (T1) 1v12.5s; “g F 9F,EC9M4, ECK) T13,1?v436.9s,1Fg F(T1)424.4s。H, V AKNO34EC DvCO(NH2)2 。2.2 #g F qY) qd9T(V2)A U,V1 1(81)#g F (kg/m3)Table1 Volumetricratioofmediaandamount of fertilizerapplied) Treatment Worm cast FVermiculite CO(NH2)2 KNO3T1 2 1T2 2 1 0.2 0.2T3 2 1 0.2 0.4T4 2 1 0.2 0.6T5 2 1 0.2 0.8T6 2 1 0.4 0.2T7 2 1 0.4 0.4T8 2 1 0.4 0.6T9 2 1 0.4 0.8T10 2 1 0.6 0.2T11 2 1 0.6 0.4T12 2 1 0.6 0.6T13 2 1 0.6 0.8T14 2 1 0.8 0.2T15 2 1 0.8 0.4T16 2 1 0.8 0.6T17 2 1 0.8 0.8vEC1,) ECMRatios of EC values of different treatments to EC volue of CKm1 g FECYFig.1 Effectsof fertilizeradditionsonelectricconductivityofmedia? F(CK)M1, F(T1 T17) A , lV2 ) 0 q(%)Table2 Emergencerateof pepperindifferentmedia) Treatmentl? (d)(Days after seeding)12 13 14 15 16CK 30.56 61.11 69.44 77.78 88.89T1 50.00 80.56 88.89 88.89 91.67T2 58.33 75.00 86.11 88.89 91.67T3 52.78 75.00 80.56 86.11 88.89T4 61.11 75.00 77.78 77.78 86.11T5 55.56 69.44 75.00 75.00 80.56T6 69.44 88.89 97.22 97.22 97.22T7 52.78 69.44 75.00 77.78 88.89T8 77.78 86.11 94.44 94.44 94.44T9 75.00 91.67 94.44 94.44 94.44T10 55.56 88.89 91.67 91.67 91.67T11 58.33 72.22 75.00 80.56 80.56T12 52.78 72.22 80.56 83.33 88.89T13 58.33 72.22 83.33 88.89 91.67T14 63.89 80.56 86.11 86.11 86.11T15 50.00 69.44 75.00 83.33 83.33T16 63.89 75.00 83.33 86.11 91.67T17 52.78 77.78 80.56 80.56 88.89:V 3Q (, Q72。Notes:The data are averages of three replications.There were 72 plants in each replication.14 Z j 22 12?,v q30.56%,7 ) (V50%,(T8)r77.78%,1v4 47.22s;l16?, ) ( T2、T3) q (V 90%,7v88.98%。Bs g F qY, V AT6、T8、T9TFA,l16? ) qsY g F) 5.55s2.77s。yN, 9#F a g ( k4S =), q,MQF q4。2.3 #g F = = s c YV3 U, “Fg ) , ) = = s a、= s b#=s 9 (A?, ,= s a/b Av(n=3, P 0.05), g F = s ,i O= s bT1v= s a。1 g F = s Y, V b# A g F9F,= s c 9A9F t ,g F VB ,= s c 9FMl( T17)。V3 g F = = s c TTable3 Effectsof fertilizeradditionsonchlorophyllcontent inpepperseedlingleaves) Treatment= s aChl a(mgg-1FW)= s bChl b(mgg-1FW)Chl(a+b)(mgg-1FW) Chl a/bCK 1.070.01 n 0.330.01 k 1.410.01 l 3.230.01 aT1 1.010.01 o 0.320.02 l 1.330.01 m 3.140.04bcT2 1.240.01 l 0.390.01 i 1.630.01 j 3.180.01 abT3 1.280.01 k 0.400.02 h 1.680.01 i 3.190.02 abT4 1.560.01 h 0.490.02 f 2.050.01 g 3.170.03 abT5 1.600.01 g 0.500.01 e 2.100.02 f 3.180.01 abT6 1.520.01 j 0.480.01 g 2.010.01 h 3.150.02bT7 1.540.01 i 0.490.02 f 2.030.01 gh 3.160.02bT8 1.610.01 g 0.500.01 e 2.110.02 f 3.190.02 abT9 1.630.01 f 0.530.01 d 2.160.01 e 3.110.02bcT10 1.760.01 d 0.550.02 c 2.320.01 d 3.180.01 abT11 1.820.01 b 0.580.01 b 2.400.01 b 3.120.02bcT12 1.830.02 b 0.580.03 b 2.420.01 b 3.150.01bT13 1.650.02 e 0.530.02 d 2.180.02 e 3.130.01bcT14 1.790.01 c 0.580.01 b 2.370.01 c 3.100.01bcT15 1.830.01 b 0.580.01 b 2.410.01 b 3.150.01bT16 1.860.01 a 0.600.02 a 2.460.01 a 3.080.01 cT17 1.150.02 m 0.370.01 j 1.520.02 k 3.120.02bc:LSR。V 3Q (S,3 V UP =0.05sA 。Notes:LSR test.The data are meanSE(n=3).Values followed by different letters in the samecolumnmean significantly different at P =0.05.Bsg = = s c T, T2 T4 ,MCO(NH2)2F (0.2 kg/m3),KNO30.2 kg/m340.6 kg/m3 ,= s 9 4 25.77 %; 7,MKNO3F (0.2 kg/m3),CO(NH2)2F 0 .2 kg/m340.6 kg/m3 ,= s 9 4 42.33%。A ,a g FS =,CO(NH2)2= = s T1vKNO3g 。2.4 #g F 3?YV4 U,?M1, #g F A4 、Y、= 、8、 S,i O、8、 r As (n =10,P 0 .05); H, g F /#Y T, P g Fvs) 31、 vAs。V4 #g F 3?YTable4 Growthanddevelopmentofplugpepperseedlingunderwormcast compoundmediumandfertilizerapplication) TreatmentPlantheight(cm)YStem diameter(cm)= Leafnumber8Rootvolume(cm3)Dry matter(gplant -1)31Root/shoot ratio(Dry matter) Sound seedlingindexCK 6.4 c 0.23 b 4.8 b 0.41 c 0.1170 f 0.44 a 0.0043 bT1 9.5 ab 0.26 ab 6.0 b 0.70 b 0.1968 cde 0.43 ab 0.0054 bT2 11.3 a 0.29 ab 7.3 a 0.75 a 0.3081 a 0.39 ab 0.0080 aT3 10.3 ab 0.28 ab 6.8 ab 0.72 ab 0.2431 abcde 0.37 ab 0.0067 abT4 9.5 ab 0.29 ab 6.5 ab 0.79 ab 0.2536 abcd 0.40 ab 0.0077 abT5 9.9 ab 0.30 a 7.0 ab 0.81 ab 0.2744 ab 0.40 ab 0.0083 aT6 10.1 ab 0.27 ab 7.0 ab 0.67 b 0.2291 bcde 0.38 ab 0.0063 abT7 9.6 ab 0.28 ab 6.8 ab 0.72 ab 0.2402 abcde 0.40 ab 0.0071 abT8 9.6 ab 0.28 ab 7.0 ab 0.73 ab 0.2526 abcd 0.37 ab 0.0074 abT9 9.8 ab 0.27 ab 7.0 ab 0.75 ab 0.2413 abcde 0.37 ab 0.0070 ab152 i : g F rTV4(Table4 continued)T10 9.9 ab 0.26 ab 6.7 ab 0.83 ab 0.2613 abc 0.38 ab 0.0070 abT11 8.4 b 0.26 ab 5.8 b 0.54 bc 0.1828 de 0.35 ab 0.0057 bT12 9.0 b 0.28 ab 6.5 ab 0.66 b 0.2160 bcde 0.36 ab 0.0067 abT13 9.1 b 0.26 ab 6.5 ab 0.61 bc 0.2059 bcde 0.36 ab 0.0062 abT14 9.7 ab 0.29 ab 6.8 ab 0.77 ab 0.2453 abcde 0.34 b 0.0074 abT15 8.8 b 0.25 b 6.0 b 0.48 bc 0.1777 e 0.30 b 0.0051 bT16 9.8 ab 0.27 ab 6.5 ab 0.67 b 0.2335 bcde 0.32 b 0.0065 abT17 9.4 ab 0.28 ab 6.3 b 0.82 ab 0.2434 abcde 0.42 ab 0.0073 ab:LSR。V 3Q (, 10,3 V UP =0.05sA 。 =(Y/)。Note:LSR test.Data are averages of three replications.There were 10 plants in each replication.Values followed by different letters in thesame column are significantly different at P =0.05.Sound seedling index =(stem diameter/plant height)dry matter.3 ) 3.1 ? FM1, #g 1 0 q,A 3?,4 = = s c , V9, 。3.2 M 1(8121)Hq/, EC A,Q 1 i;?Cidg F , 3?z,7 a g F 3?;N,KNO3ECTvCO(NH2)2 ,yN, P Hg FB1ig 4# F ,5,/A1 n,Q7 。3.3 +,P、NK ,74cN 、K g F,i | z rT,B 9V v 1。yN, v ,4 T,B1 12 Hortitultural Research Institute, SAAS ,Shanghai Key Labof Protected Horticultural Technology , Shanghai 201106, China)Abstract:The worm cast and vermiculite compound medium was prepared at thevolumetric ratio of 2 to1, and then different amounts of CO(NH2)2 and KNO3 were added and plug pepper seedling culture was car-ried out .The results showed that adding appropriateamount of fertilizer could obviously raise theelectric con-ductivity of the medium, and improve the emergence rate of pepper and the chlorophyll content of seedlingleaves as well as significantly promote the grow th and development of plug seedlings.According to the soundseedling index the optimal amount of fertilizer added was 0 .2 kg/m3 CO(NH2)2 and 0.8 kg/m3 KNO3 .Keywords:Worm cast;Fertilizer;Pepper;Plug seedling16 Z j 22