21 9 , . ,. ! 3 Y J. j >= J,c >、 bP,c!s, ' s.g v Y J.r g , 1996, ( 3): 34- 36.Effect of nitrogen nutrient on the growth and quality of Chinese KaleChen Riyuan , LiuHoucheng , Song Chuanzhen , Sun Guangwen(College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)Abstract: The effects o f nitrog en on the g row th and quality of Chinese Kale ( Brassica a lbog labra Bailley ) bysolutio n culture in 5 trea tm ents ( 0. 25* N, 0. 5* N, 1* N, 1. 5* N , 2* N). In proper rang e o f nitrog en lev el,the yield and biomass of Chinese Kale increased with the increasing of nitro gen lev el, but w hen nitrog en lev elex ceed 1* N, the yield w as not a ffected sig nificantly w ith the increasing of nitrog en lev el. How ev er, the contentso f vitamin C and sug ars in flo w er stalk, and the quality of flow er stalk decreased at hig h nitrog en lev el. Thecontent of nitrate in flow er stalk increased with the increase of nitrogen lev el, while nitrog en ex ceed 1* N, nitra tew as accumulated sig nificantly, and the nitrate accumulation in leaf o n flow er stalk w as sig nificantly higher tha nthat in stalk.Key words: Brassica a lbog labra; nitrogen nutrient; g ro w th; quality146 j<2005 M