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! 北方园艺2010(15):12 15BTe:郭文忠(1970-),男,宁夏中卫人,博士,研究员,现主要从事设施蔬菜栽培生理和设施园艺工程技术研究工作。E-mail:guowzh70163.com。 “:国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2007BAD57B01);宁夏回族自治区科技攻关资助项目(KGZ-170706)。l :2010-04-20a1NKWS- ; i !9y/#1;+郭文忠, 杨冬艳, 曲继松, 冯海萍, 张丽娟( a1 ! jy,. ; iZ?ZZ_J . = j<v, 2007(3):264-268. 5 +,u .XB-GVv t ; i !9y/# LlJ . j</ i, 2006(7):16-18. 6j , =. i 5 M .: j<, 1990.NingxiaNKWS-SolarGreenhouseDesign-buildingandTemperatureandLightEnvironmentalCharacteristicsinWinterGUO Wen-zhong,YANG Dong-yan,QU Ji-song,FENG Hai-ping,ZHANG Li-juan(Ningxia Engineering Research Center for Facilities Agriculture,Yinchuan Ningxia 750002)Abstract:In order to optimize structure design and promote maximization development of solar greenhouse,the NingxiaNKWS- solar greenhouse was designed,built and tested under rare low temperature condition in 2008 winter.Theresults showed that NKWS-solar greenhouse had feature of high transmittance and big volume which was helpful toadministration of infinite growth-type vegetable under long seasonal cultivation.In the general weather conditions,thistype solar greenhouse can basic ensure eggplant vegetable to get through winter .But it needed to taking well insulationmeasures and adding warming equipment when encountered limit low temperature condition.The results of statisticalanalysis indicated that could seen as outside environment critical exponent for warming of Ningxia NKWS- solargreenhouse when the daily total radiation was 7.82 JM/m2 、the lowest temperature was -14.66、daily averagetemperature was -8.79.Keywords:Ningxia;large span solar greenhouse environment test;design;environmental test15

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